! Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021 Jason Self ! ! This file is free software: you may copy, redistribute and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License ! as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ! WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ! Affero General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public ! License along with this file. If not, see https://gnu.org/licenses/ Object bridge1 "Bridge" with description "This part of the bridge seems sturdy enough, although there are signs of rot and termite damage.", n_to bridge2, has light; Object bridge2 "Bridge" with description "The rot and termite damage is more serious in this area and there are clear signs that nails are missing.", s_to bridge1, n_to bridge3, has light; Object bridge3 "Bridge" with description "The entire bridge swings slightly from side to side. It seems certain that this bridge is going to crack and break.", s_to bridge2, n_to bridge4, has light; Object bridge4 "Bridge" with description [; print "You are nearly halfway across. Everything seems fine for a moment but then there is a horrible cracking sound as the entire bridge lurches to the side and all of the planks fall. You look down and see the water rapidly approaching."; deadflag = 1; ], has light; Object campsite "Campsite" with description "You are at an old campsite set among some low-lying hills and grassy fields. The sun shines brightly from above, casting its golden glow in all directions to illuminate the camping area. The healthy, dark green grass carpets the field except around an old fire pit. The fire pit appears to have been used recently and you smell smoke in the air. It is still intact and there are no ashes. The hills and grassy fields appears to continue on in all directions, leading to some trees in the distance in an area that appears to be heavily wooded.", n_to g59, nw_to g58, ne_to g60, w_to westofcampsite, e_to h70, s_to g79, se_to h80, sw_to h78, before [; Listen: print_ret "You listen and hear several raspy coughs nearby... all coming from the log. You also hear chanting from right behind you but looking around you see no one is there."; ], u_to "That's the sky. Not sure how you plan to get there but maybe you know something I don't.", d_to "That's the ground. Since when are you able to move through it?", has light; Object firepit "firepit" campsite with name 'fire' 'firepit' 'pit', description "The fire pit is small and nothing more than an indentation in the ground. It reeks of old campfires.", has scenery; Object log "log" campsite with name 'log' 'wood', description "It's the remnant of a tree trunk uprooted by a storm. About 6 feet long and 2 feet thick, someone has taken the time to shape it flat and square for sitting. The log is dry but heavy for its size and would be difficult to move without some kind of vehicle. Slightly recessed into the ground, it's a combination of cinnamon and caramel brown. Deep scratches and ominous stains mar the surface.", has supporter enterable static; Object diary "diary" with name 'diary' 'book', description "The diary is old and worn. The pages are tattered and yellowed, and most of the writing has faded due to exposure to the elements over the years. In reviewing the pages you can make out a single passage: ~The humming... the humming... I can't make it stop.~", has ; Object lantern "copper lantern" log with name 'lantern' 'copper', description "This is an exceptionally beautiful oil lamp. About eleven inches high, with a base of about 5 inches or so in diameter and a large, brass-closed hook at the top. The glass in the lamp has a Fresnel type of design, which is used to distribute light widely. The words ~Manufactured By The Frobozz Magic Lantern Company~ are engraved in the base.", after [; SwitchOn: give lantern light; SwitchOff: give lantern ~light; ], has switchable; Object westofcampsite "West Of Campsite" with description [; print "You're in an area of sweet smelling green ankle high grass just east of a forest. Livestock tracks form a well-worn path next to a creek, both coming from the northeast, and ending at a small pond. Filled with water lilies, the pond seems quiet and serene. You look to the forest edge and see a clear path east and northeast leading deep into the forest. On both sides there is dense undergrowth with only a small path through it. The trees are ancient with thick vines hanging from them and across the path. All other directions take you to low-lying hills and grassy fields."; if (westofcampsite hasnt visited) print " A flock of birds fly overhead and disappear into the forest."; new_line; ], before [; Listen: print_ret "You hear strange unintelligible whispers but looking around see no one.^"; ], n_to g58, ne_to g59, e_to campsite, s_to h78, se_to g79, sw_to g77, has light; Object pond "pond" westofcampsite with name 'pond' 'water', description "Filled with water lilies, the pond seems quiet and serene.", before [; ThrownAt: "Probably not a good idea. You might need that."; Taste, Drink: print_ret "The water tastes dirty."; Touch: print_ret "You touch the water, creating ripples."; Take, Pull, Push, PushDir, Turn: print_ret "I'm not sure how you'd do that with a pond."; Blow: print_ret "You huff and you puff but nothing happens."; Burn: print_ret "One can burn water?"; Buy: print_ret "The pond is not for sale."; JumpOver: print_ret "The pond is too large to jump over."; ], has scenery; Object vines "vines" westofcampsite with name 'vine' 'vines', has scenery; Object shed "Shed" with description "This small shed is a rickety-looking building made of thin wood. It has no windows but there's a large opening where a door should be. The exit is to the east.", e_to g60, has light; Object oldhouse "House" with description "It's an old, two-story rectangular house built with white stones tan brick. One large chimney sits at the side of the house and small, rounded windows have been added to in a very asymmetric way. The second floor is the same size as the first, but part of it hangs over the edge, creating an overhang on one side and a balcony on the other. The roof is tall and spindly, like it's ready to collapse inward from old age at any moment. The interior of the house is dark and quiet compared to the bright afternoon outside."; Object grandlibrary "Grand Library, Main Lobby" with description "The Grand Library, with its high ceiling, has been abandoned for many years. Despite being heavily looted there may still be some valuable items left behind. The walls are lined with empty shelves that seem to reach all the way to the high ceiling. All of the furniture is gone, and on the west wall, there is a curtained off area. This room looks considerably less damaged than any other part of this building although the dilapidated condition makes the library quite a dangerous place to wander around in.", n_to h76, has light; Object g58 "Grassy Meadow" with description "The sky is bright and blue and you can feel the warmth of the sun. You hear birds singing and see the glowing colors of day. The lush grass is soft. A small wind blows the grass around, creating an illusion of shifting colors. The area is very picturesque and everything about it feels very natural. There's a slight incline but not anything that would make it difficult. To the north and east, a forest obscures the horizon. The trees cast shadows on the grass. There are small hills and grassy fields in all other directions.", s_to westofcampsite, e_to g59, se_to campsite, has light; Object g59 "Grassy Meadow" with description "A garden overflows from the east. All around you are beautiful flowers of many colors, red, yellow, blue, purple, and brown. Some are pastel, others darker. The sun is brightly shining through it all, enveloping the entire setting in rich and warm color. Everything feels strong and substantial here, a wonderland from a fairytale garden. The air is crisp and cool. Birds can be heard in the distance, as their beautiful melodies call to you. Well-worn livestock tracks come from the northeast and join up with a slow-moving creek from the east. Both go to the southwest. There's a forest to the north.", s_to campsite, se_to h70, e_to g60, w_to g58, sw_to westofcampsite, has light; Object g60 "Grassy Meadow" with description "It's a beautiful sunny day. The sky is a brilliant blue without a cloud in sight. Nearby is a large oak tree, with a small shed and a small garden. The tree has a twisted, heavy trunk. The branches are splashed with green and yellow leaves as the tree reaches toward the sky, casting its shadow around the meadow. The area smells fresh and has a peaceful feel about it. A high ridge to the east appears unclimbable. A creek slowly moves down the ridge and winds through the grassy meadow toward the east.", s_to h70, e_to "The ridge is so steep that you'd first need to find climbing equipment to be able to continue in that direction.", up_to "The ridge is so steep that you'd first need to find climbing equipment to be able to continue in that direction.", w_to g59, sw_to campsite, has light; Object garden "small garden" g60 with name 'garden' 'flowers', found_in g59 g60, description "The garden contains beautiful flowers of many colors, red, yellow, blue, purple, and brown. Some are pastel, others darker.", has scenery; Object shed2 "shed" g60 with name 'shed', description "It's a rickety-looking building made of thin wood. It has no windows but there's a large opening where a door should be. It's possible to enter the shed.", before [; Enter: PlayerTo(shed); rtrue; ], has scenery; Object oaktree "oak tree" g60 with name 'oak' 'tree', description "The tree has a twisted, heavy trunk. The branches are splashed with green and yellow leaves as the tree reaches toward the sky, casting its shadow around the meadow.", before [; Climb: print_ret "As soon as you make it halfway up the tree, your muscles begin to tremble and shake violently, throwing your entire body against the bark of the tree and making it difficult to continue to ascend, especially without the use of climbing equipment. You go back down to the ground."; Taste: print_ret "It tastes like wood."; Touch: print_ret "The trunk of the free feels rough to the touch."; Take, Pull, Push, PushDir, Turn: print_ret "The tree is firmly anchored into the ground by a healthy root system. It's not going anywhere."; Drink: print_ret "The tree is not a liquid."; Blow: print_ret "You huff and you puff but nothing happens."; Burn: print_ret "Only you can prevent forest fires."; Buy: print_ret "The tree is not for sale."; JumpOver: print_ret "Since when did you gain the ability to jump over trees in a single bound?"; ], has scenery; Object h70 "Grassy Meadow" with description [; print "The sun shines brightly in a cloudless sky of a brilliant blue. You feel the sun's rays creating a pleasant warmth. A soft breeze comes from the south, bringing a delicate clean-smelling spring fragrance. It smells very inviting. The grass feels warm and safe as it moves slightly in rhythm with the breeze. The grass feels slightly moist. This area seems very peaceful. A high ridge to the east appears unclimbable. Perched high up on the ridge is a single tan and maroon building. There are words carved into a large stone block to turn it into a distinct ~no trespassing~ sign."; if (h70 hasnt visited) print " The only sound is the cry from a small pink and blue bird as it scuttles about on the ground. Startled at your approach, it flies away."; new_line; ], n_to g60, s_to h80, e_to "The ridge is so steep that you'd first need to find climbing equipment to be able to continue in that direction.", up_to "The ridge is so steep that you'd first need to find climbing equipment to be able to continue in that direction.", w_to campsite, nw_to g59, sw_to g79, has light; Object tanmaroonbuilding "tan and maroon building" h70 with name 'tan' 'maroon' 'building', description "The tan and maroon building appears to be very solidly constructed. The roof is steeply pitched. The windows are very narrow and deep set yet still reveal someone walking around inside.", before [; Enter: print_ret "The tan and maroon building is so far up the high ridge that you'd first need to find climbing equipment to be able to do that."; ], has scenery; Object largestoneblock "large stone block" h70 with name 'large' 'stone' 'block', description "There are words carved into a large stone block that read: ~No Trespassing!~.", before [; Take, Pull, Push, PushDir, Turn: print_ret "You're unable. The large stone block is too heavy."; ], has scenery; Object g71 "Grassy Hillside" with description "You are in a large, open grassy field that continues to the north and east. The ground is flat and even. There's a steep cliff to the south and west that provides a view of the beautiful landscape that goes on and on as far as the eye can see. The sky is a shade of deep blue that you've never seen before. The wind is very strong out here, blowing up and over the cliff, almost as if trying to push you away.", e_to g72, s_to "The cliff is too steep.", w_to "The cliff is too steep.", has light; Object flatstone "unusual large flat stone" g71 with name 'unusual' 'large' 'flat' 'stone' 'flat stone', description "It is pewter gray in color and round. You can see some small stains where iron was once attached to the stone, but no longer. It's large enough that a person could probably lie on it without being able to reach the edges. The words ~Truth's Determination~ are engraved in the center.", before [; Take, Pull, Push, PushDir, Turn: print_ret "The stone must weigh a ton. There's no way you can move it."; ], has supporter enterable; Object crystaltriangle "crystal triangle" flatstone with name 'crystal' 'triangle', description "Approximately one inch thick it's smooth and looks like it was handcarved. It feels oddly cool to the touch and appears to glow faintly from within. A strange emblem is carved into one side of it, glowing faintly as well. It's a circle with eight points.", before [; Taste: print_ret "What do you think a crystal tastes like?"; Touch: print_ret "It feels oddly cool. Perhaps too cool."; Drink: print_ret "The crytal triangle is not a liquid."; Blow: print_ret "You huff and you puff but nothing happens."; Burn: print_ret "The crystal triangle cannot be burned."; Buy: print_ret "The crystal triangle is not for sale."; Take,Pull,Push,PushDir,Turn: print_ret "Sparks wildly fly out of the crystal triangle in every direction and its color changes to a deep red. It becomes so hot that you're forced to drop it to avoid being burned."; ]; Object g72 "Grassy Hillside" with description "This grassy hillside gradually slopes from east to west. The sun shines brightly on the fields in front of you, and the grass looks to be all different shades of green. The light is warm and inviting, but not blinding. There is a cool breeze. This area continues to the west and east. There's a forest to the north. To the south is a steep cliff that provides a view of the beautiful landscape that goes on and on as far as the eye can see.", w_to g71, e_to g73, s_to "The cliff is too steep.", has light; Object sign "sign" g72 with name 'sign' 'iron sign' 'rusted iron sign', description "It looks nice even in its old age. It says Somerstonecliff Chapel.", before [; Take: print_ret "The sign is firmly attached to the column that it's on. There's no way you can take it."; ], has scenery; Object ruins "ruins" g72 with name 'ruin' 'ruins', description "It appears to be a stone building that has collapsed in on itself after being unmaintained for so long. It can no longer be entered. There is a rusted iron sign attached to the remains of one of the columns.", has pluralname static; Object g73 "Dirt Road" with description "You find yourself on the west end of a dirt road that disappears into the east. This area slopes gently down toward the west. The sun is shining brightly and the sky is cloudless. You can feel the warmth of the sun on your face. There's a gentle breeze blowing from the north. There's a forest just beyond a meadow to the north. There's something beyond those trees but it's too far away for you to make it out. A large stone wall bounds the south side of this dirt road.", e_to h74, w_to g72, s_to "The south is blocked by a large stone wall.", has light; Object h74 "Dirt Road" with description "You're standing on an empty dirt road that seems to be in reasonable condition. It runs in an east-west direction. The wind blows gently and steadily. The sky is a pale blue with a few wispy clouds. The sun hangs in the center of the sky and warms your skin. There seems to be a mixture of calmness and energy all around you. There is a large grassy field to the north, and you can hear a few birds singing from that direction. The south is blocked by a large stone wall.", e_to g75, w_to g73, s_to "The south is blocked by a large stone wall.", has light; Object stonewall "stone wall" h74 with name 'stone' 'wall', description "The wall is thick and high. The stones are huge and closely fitted. It's definitely a hand-made structure but the age is hard to tell. It looks like it was built during the medieval times but maybe older.", found_in g73 h74, has scenery static; Object g75 "Grassy Meadow" with description "There is a gentle breeze and you can hear the wind blowing through the high grass near your feet. Everything seems very quiet and peaceful. The breeze is crisp and refreshing, and it brings a scent of flowers and grass. The cool blades of grass sway slightly as the wind blows through. The grass looks slightly greener than usual, and the lush green field stretches out to the north and east. The trees to the south are tall and seem to protect the land from whatever dangers lie beyond. A dirt road is to the west.", e_to h76, w_to h74, s_to "The forest is so dense that you'd first need to find a machete to be able to continue in that direction.", has light; Object h76 "Grassy Meadow" with description "You are standing in a grassy meadow on top of a small hill, which has several little hills surrounding it. The sun is shining brightly, and the air smells of flowers. The sky is dark blue and there isn't a cloud in the sky. There's no wind either. The sun is high enough that you can see all around you, but not so high as to be blinding. This place feels quiet and serene; as if you have stepped into picturesque moment where time seems to stand still. To the south is the Grand Library.", s_to grandlibrary, w_to g75, e_to g77, has light; Object g77 "Grassy Meadow" with description "You are standing in a grassy meadow. Sunlight beats down on you. It is nearly 70 degrees. The crystal clear sky is a rich hue of blue and perfect for gazing at. The soft green grass wafts gently in the breeze. You are completely enveloped in the wonder of nature yet there is a sense of eeriness in the air. To the north, a large forest obscures the horizon. A narrow and winding road leads to the northwest. A steep hill is to the south. Other than the road, the area seems completely untouched.", s_to "The ridge is so steep that you'd first need to find climbing equipment to be able to continue in that direction.", e_to h78, w_to h76, ne_to westofcampsite, has light; Object h78 "Small Hill" with description "You are on a small hill, and from here it feels as if you can see for miles around. It feels like a quiet and beautiful place. The sky is clear except for some large white clouds far away on the horizon in the bright expanse of sky. The wind blows through your hair as if in blessing. In the far distance is a lake surrounded by trees and hills. It is so beautiful, you feel as if you can see your reflection in the still water. There's a dense forest to the south.", n_to westofcampsite, ne_to campsite, e_to g79, w_to g77, s_to "The forest is so dense that you'd first need to find a machete to be able to continue in that direction.", has light; Object greenstone "thin green stone" h78 with name 'thing' 'green' 'stone', description "The thin green stone is engraved with a message: ~Know that it is everywhere. Know that it is yours alone and that it will go on forever.~"; Object lake "lake" h78 with name 'lake' 'water', has scenery; Object g79 "Small Hill" with description "You are on a small hill, and from here it feels as if you can see for miles around. A garden used to exist here, now overgrown. Under the foliage are hundreds of stands of wildflowers, along with yellow hedges. The wind causes a 100-foot-high metal spiral to slowly rotate and make a low, whistling sound. A rusty metal bench is here, which faces out over the former garden. There's a dense forest to the south. The height of this hill makes it possible to see farmland in the distance with an orchard and evidence of old animal activity.", n_to campsite, e_to h80, w_to h78, ne_to h70, nw_to westofcampsite, cant_go "The forest is so dense that you'd first need to find a machete to be able to continue in that direction.", has light; Object garden2 "garden" g79 with name 'garden', description "It's an old garden, now overgrown.", has scenery; Object wildflowers "wildflowers" g79 with name 'wild' 'flower' 'flowers' 'foliage', has scenery; Object yellowhedges "yellow hedges" g79 with name 'yellow' 'hedge' 'hedges', description "They look like they need trimming but they are doing their best. The wind is just making them dance a little.", has scenery pluralname; Object rustymetalbench "rusty metal bench" g79 with name 'metal' 'bench', description "You can't see it very well since it is partly hidden by some of the overgrowth but it's so rusty that you might get tetanus just from looking at it.", has scenery supporter enterable static; Object spiral "100-foot-high metal spiral" g79 with name 'metal' 'spiral', description "It seems so old and rusted that it could fall at any minute as it slowly rotates in the wind.", has scenery; Object h80 "Grassy Meadow" with description "This is a pretty, quiet place. There are wide swaths of open space with green fields and blue skies that seem to meander on to the north and west, and a densely packed forest to the south and east. The air is warm. The forest seems sleepy while the sun shines through the trees, but there's something wrong. Something is happening to the landscape around you; it is changing. You hear an eerie breeze coming from the direction of the forest, which is in direct opposition to the normal wind direction of this area.", before [; Listen: print_ret "You hear an audible moan nearby but looking around see no one.^"; ], n_to h70, nw_to campsite, w_to g79, cant_go "The forest is so dense that you'd first need to find a machete to be able to continue in that direction.", has light;