! This source is public domain Constant Story "Pick Up the Phone Booth and Dye"; Constant Headline "^This game is public domain^ Eric Schmidt ^"; Release 2; Serial "190818"; Constant MAX_SCORE = 20; Include "parser"; Include "verblib"; [ Initialise; location = field; ]; [ Boothdeath; deadflag = 1; "Unfortunately, you do not have enough hands to hold both the bucket and the phone booth. You drop the booth on top of yourself."; ]; CompassDirection ground "ground" compass with name 'ground', door_dir d_to; Object field "Field" has light with description "This is just an ordinary field in the middle of nowhere. You have no idea why you're here."; Object -> booth "phone booth" has supporter enterable with name 'large' 'phone' 'booth', description [; if (dye notin self) "The phone booth is large and has the word ~TELEPHONE~ in red in the front."; "The phone booth is large and has dye splattered all over it!"; ], before [; Open: "Try as you might, you cannot force the booth open!"; ], after [; Take: if (bucket in player) { Boothdeath(); rtrue; } print "You grasp the phone booth and slowly lift it up."; if (bucket in self) { move bucket to field; print " The bucket falls off the phone booth and hits the ground."; if (dye in bucket) { remove dye; " The dye pours out of the bucket."; } } if (dye in self) { score = 20; deadflag = 2; "^^You have managed to pick up the phone booth and the dye at the same time. Congratulations!"; } new_line; rtrue; ]; Object -> bucket "bucket" has container open with name 'white' 'bucket' 'pail', description "The bucket is all white.", before [; Take: if (player in booth && bucket notin booth) "You can't reach the bucket."; Pour: if (dye notin self) "The dye is no longer available."; <>; Receive: if (noun == player) "I don't think you'd fit."; if (noun == booth) "That's impossible."; ], after [; Take: if (booth in player) { BoothDeath(); rtrue; } "You take the bucket."; ]; Object -> -> dye "dye" with name 'thin' 'blue' 'dye', article "some", description "The dye is thin and blue.", before [; Take: if (self notin bucket) "You cannot hold the dye with your bare hands."; if (bucket in player) "You already have that."; <>; Remove: "You cannot hold the dye with your bare hands."; Drop: if (self in bucket) <>; Pour: if (bucket notin player || self notin bucket) "You don't have the dye."; switch (second) { booth: move self to booth; "You pour the dye all over the booth. It soon dries up."; sign: move self to sign; "You pour the dye over the sign. It soon dries up."; bucket, dye: "How would you manage that?"; selfobj: "You comtemplate this, but decide against it."; d_obj, ground: remove self; "You pour the dye into the ground."; default: "Huh?"; } PutOn: <>; Drink: remove self; "Well, that didn't taste half-bad."; ]; Object -> sign "sign" has static supporter with name 'sign', description [; if (dye notin self) "The sign reads, ~To win the game, you must be holding both the booth and the dye at the same time.~"; "Some moron put dye all over the sign, and you can't read it."; ], before [; Receive: if (noun == bucket) { if (player in booth) "From way up here?"; move bucket to field; print "You attempt to balance the bucket on the sign, but it falls off."; if (dye in bucket) { remove dye; " The dye spills out of the bucket and soaks into the ground."; } new_line; rtrue; } if (noun == booth) "That doesn't seem very realistic, does it?"; ]; Include "grammar"; [PourSub; "You can't pour ", (the) noun, "."; ]; [XyzzySub; if (dye in sign or nothing) { move dye to bucket; "A chilly gale picks up, but recedes after a few seconds."; } "Nothing seems to happen."; ]; Verb 'pour' 'slosh' 'splatter' * noun 'over'/'on'/'onto' noun -> Pour; Verb 'xyzzy' * -> Xyzzy;