"****** TOP LEVEL COMILER CALLS ******" "COMPILE -- compile one function or a group. Compile does not merge a group into one big RSUBR (see COMPILE-GROUP). The arguments to compile are: FCNS -- an atom whose GVAL is a function, a locative to a function or a list of the previous 2. SRC-FLG -- a channel for assembly listing or #FALSE () for none. BIN-FLG -- If false, don't assemble else do. CAREFUL -- If true compile bounds checking else don't. GLOSP -- Whether or not default is SPECIAL. " (FCNS "OPTIONAL" (SRC-FLG <>) (BIN-FLG T) (CAREFUL T) (GLOSP <>) (REASONABLE T) (GLUE T) (ANALY-OK T) (VERBOSE <>) "AUX" (IND (1)) (TAG:COUNT 0) "NAME" COMPILER) #DECL ((FCNS SRC-FLG BIN-FLG CAREFUL GLOSP REASONABLE GLUE IND TAG:COUNT COMPILER ANALY-OK VERBOSE) ) ,VERIFY .FCNS> > > .FCNS> ,UNASSOC .FCNS>) (ELSE > )> "DONE"> "COMP2 -- compile one thing (atom or locative) print time if second arg missing or false. Assemble result if desired (time entire job)." ) "AUX" (CODE:TOP (())) MESS (CODE:PTR .CODE:TOP) (ST