
The Price of Convenience

Thu, 11 Apr 2024

In our fast-paced world, convenience reigns supreme. Some crave instant gratification and effortless "solutions." At the same time, software has become intricately woven into the fabric of our lives. Many tasks rely on software, from communication to entertainment, work to education. A click away lies a universe of information, entertainment, and "services." The allure of convenience can be seductive, and this obsession can lead some down a path of least resistance: We're offered a seemingly perfect "solution," pre-packaged and ready to use.

Let's delve deeper into this trade-off. Proprietary software operates behind a veil, leaving users at the mercy of developers. This lack of control can lead to updates being rolled out without your input, removing or changing features at the developer's whim, and being forbidden from tinkering under the hood. This lack of control has profound consequences, and numerous things can be lost when we prioritize convenience over freedom. This can include customization, security, privacy, and more. However, the most significant cost of convenience is the erosion of a fundamental principle: Our right to control our computing, the sacrifice of software freedom. Imagine a world where every tool you use has a set of predetermined rules governing what you can or cannot do with it and who you can or cannot share it with. This subjugates users and controls them, breeding a sense of dependence. Denying people this control over their computing is not just inconvenient; it's unethical. However, there is an another way. Free software, the antithesis of proprietary software, embodies the spirit of freedom - giving users control. When we choose software that respects our freedom, we protect our rights and empower ourselves to shape our digital world. We cultivate a better society.

How much are you willing to sacrifice for convenience? How do we measure the value of software freedom? Here's a simple litmus test: how much convenience are you willing to sacrifice to retain your freedom? The value that someone places on freedom becomes readily apparent when examining their willingness to embrace the potential inconveniences of free software. Statements like "I'll only use free software when it does everything the same as what I use now" reveal an outright prioritization of convenience over control. This complete unwillingness to compromise demonstrates a low to zero value for freedom. They're unwilling to make any adjustments in exchange for greater control. However, someone who insists on finding free software for every task, even if it is inconvenient, to learn new ways of doing things and potentially embrace a slightly less polished program values freedom highly. They understand that the importance of software freedom outweighs mere convenience and the initial hurdle of adapting to a new system or way of doing things. The answer to this question reveals how much you personally value freedom.

However, the trade-off between convenience and freedom is rarely so binary. Free software has come a long way, offering feature-rich programs for various tasks. With a bit of exploration, users can often find free programs to meet their needs. The next time you choose a software program, take a moment to consider the hidden costs and the value you place on freedom. Will you trade it for a click-and-go experience or explore the road to software freedom?

Consider also that the impact of sacrificing software freedom goes beyond your personal decision - there is also a network effect. One example is that what you use you say is okay for others. Another example is those using GitHub, which requires people to run non-free software written in JavaScript to make contributions, report bugs, etc. You're saying that you expect people to run those proprietary programs, and those who don't want to aren't welcome in your project - that GitHub's convenience is worth more. The same happens when sending files to people that can't be opened or read in the free world.

This journey of exploration can be surprisingly rewarding. The free software community is vibrant and welcoming, and we are ready to assist you in your transition. A vast array of free software is out there, waiting to be discovered. It may not always be a seamless transition, but the freedom and control you gain is worth the effort. Ultimately, the actual price of convenience is the freedom we surrender along the way. Choose wisely.